A New Day Beginning

A New Day Beginning
A New Day Rising

Friday, May 28, 2010



watched for months the political campaigns, wishing there was a better way. There is and I think President Elect Obama ran the cleanest, genuine and respectful campaign to date.I wasn't sure who I wanted to vote for or even if I was going to vote at all. There was some slim pickens there. I told myself I would wait until I heard everyone and did my normal go with my gut feeling attitude that I always have done.I really did some soul searching after I heard Oprah in the very beginning, say " I am not voting for Mr. Obama, because he is BLACK, I am voting for Mr. Obama because he is BRILLIAAANNT". It is fair to say I am not a fan of Oprah. I don't want to be a sheep for a woman who is richer than God. I don't care what book she reads, what diet she is on, who she wants to vote for, who she loves, blah, blah, blah. Granted she worked hard for her status in this world, but I am not impressed. I WAS impressed when she was just getting started, but I digress.That was a difficult time for me, I wanted to vote for Hillary at first but again, I wanted to give myself time to listen to all the dialogue. I am glad I waited . Listening to Mr.Obama and watching him very closely and looking into his eyes. I knew he was the one.I have always thought differently than most people my age, I mean the everyday people the real people. I love to take risks even though I am 60. I think outside the box. I love technology. I have always been on the side of the underdog and I have always taught my children that people are people. There is no color. I don't care if someone is gay, I don't ever look at someone and feel superior. I do not judge and I resent anyone that does.I have a United Nations family because, I believe, I taught my children well.I have lived through historical events and I am so blessed that I lived to see a gifted, intelligent, humble, wise and kind MAN become president. I was blessed to hear his speech to the Nation. My 14 year old grand son and I listened to it together while we were on the cell phone. Him in Rockford, IL. Me in Huntington Beach, Ca. He is a bi-racial young man. He looks very much like Obama when he was young. It is amazing. He is amazing. I have a bi-racial grand daughter, and another bi-racial grand son who is an author, by the way. My other 3 grand sons are white. We as a family are Eastern Cherokee, Irish, Sicilian, English, French and oh yes, white. I only use the labels to make a point. I never say bi-racial, especially when it comes to my grand children. I don't believe in labels.So there is my story for now. I am glad Mr Obama won. I know he will face many challenges and I believe that like all of us humans, he will make mistakes and arrogant, holier than tho news reporters and ignorant bigoted people will let the rest of us be very aware of it.I just hope we as a country will come together and fix things that we can. Watch a disaster movie one of these days. "Independence Day " is a good example. The world came together not caring what race or social status everyone was and fought against something outside of our world. Truth is stranger than fiction and I believe that we can come together in the United States to take care of the United States. I would love to see the wealthy who choose to give millions of dollars to other countries and adopt other countries babies and children, take a good look at home where there is hunger, homelessness, pain and parent less children. There are people that don't have a mortgage or children or a business to write off on our taxes. We rent, we work hard and don't get a break. There are many things right here at home that need us ALL to take care of. And yes President Obama--- YES WE CAN.

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Linda LaSalla

I am a very independent Senior of 61 years old. I am more comfortable with my age than other people are and that is ok. I demand respect from all, I have earned it, I give it. I am a Keeping it real person, deal with it.

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