A New Day Beginning

A New Day Beginning
A New Day Rising

Friday, May 28, 2010

Sunday, February 22, 2009


In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.

Eleanor Roosevelt

It is time to stand back and take a look at our lives and try to put everything into perspective. I do know how difficult that is, but we must. We are all over-whelmed with the way things are right now in our beloved United States.

We desperately want to blame someone. We are looking to the government or anyone or anything else that can help us. True enough, most of us didn’t ask for this economy or the unemployment due to unscrupulous lenders, real estate agents etc. All I can do is speak for myself.

There is no way in hell, I would have not done a lot of research before I signed paperwork on a house that I knew in my heart I couldn’t afford. I do believe however, there are folks out there that were bamboozled . The older folks or the folks that really had no idea, they just wanted the American dream, a home of their own. Who knows, some of these folks might have thought that in 3-5 years when they had to pay more money for that home, that their circumstances would be better.

I do know though, that some people signed those papers knowing full well, they couldn’t afford the payments on the home. They would just take off when the time comes and to enjoy home ownership as long as they could.

The problem with any of these scenarios is, that the trickle down effect. The banks, the mortgage companies and the realtors knew damn well this could happen, but as usual lived for the moment. They had their commission, so to hell with everyone and everything else. Well it all blew up their collective faces.

We as a people these days want someone to take responsibility for our actions. We call our creditors trying to get out of a bill that is clearly theirs and expect to get a break on it. I can almost guarantee you cannot do that with the utility companies, because no matter what no one knows what the hell the bills mean.

I quit my job because I hated it so much and knew that eventually I was going to crack. I took what small amount of my 401k I had and went back into Real Estate. I am a very honest caring person and I never lied to anyone to get a sale. I was always swimming against the tide on that one.

Never the less, I quit the job, even though I had 7 months of living expenses to get by on. True enough, I didn’t do my due diligence and research the lay of the land. Needless to say I ran out of money and realized that at 60, there aren’t too many jobs out there. I have much education and experience in many areas. That does not matter when you are over 55 and people that say that companies can’t by low discriminate are living in a fairy land!!! I take full responsibility for my actions, I don’t blame anyone but myself. If I have a big credit card bill, a wireless bill, a cable bill etc. I look over that bill with a fine tooth comb and will not call to complain, if I have used more minutes than I should, or order too many On demand movies or have charged too much. I have never asked for a credit, because 9 out of 10 times it was my doing.

There are way too many people that do what ever the hell they want to do and will not take responsibility for their actions. They are spoiled and their kids are spoiled.

Wake up !! You don’t honestly think that OCTU mom didn’t know exactly doing when she got impregnated with all of those embryos ???? She sure as hell did and won’t have anything to do with it.

So please read the quote from Eleanor Roosevelt and think long and hard about the situation we as a nation are in We can’t go on being a nation of victims.

Posted by Mamasu at 3:30 AM 0 comments

Monday, February 2, 2009

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