A New Day Beginning

A New Day Beginning
A New Day Rising

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Greatest Gift We Can Give----

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Greatest Gift We Can Give----

"The greatest gift we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence"----Denis Waitley

Somehow there are people in the country that have forgotten this, if they were ever insightful enough to know it in the first place.

Look around you. This doesn't only apply to the economic fiasco we are now in, but life in general. We have grown women having litters of babies, parents killing their children, people that are crying foul because they haven't taken responsibility for their own actions and people that have been so busy in their every day lives, many of which were trying to keep up with the Joneses, they allowed the powers that be to screw them.

We as a nation can't keep blaming the banks, the government and the wealthy in general for our woes. The only true "color" in this country is GREEN. Of course, there are thousands of exceptions and there were many people that tried to warn us but we just pooh poohed it. The wealthy have always "ran" this country in one form or another. We listen to the media and take what they say as gospel instead of researching things ourselves and actually using the mind God gave us. We follow celebrities like they are not just people. We see how much they get paid for a movie and envy it. We have been sheep that have turned into victims.

It is time to go back to basics and remember to take responsibility. We CAN NOT teach our children these things if we don't practice them ourselves Children live by example, so take a long hard look at how you are living your life before you put blame on someone else for your problems. How can we give a gift we don't have? It isn't too late, we can turn things around, we just have to get together and support the leaders we believe and get rid of the ones that that we don't believe in. Don't give credence to the media, don't keep fueling the fire by watching the programs that make criminals and insane people into celebrities. It is time to take responsibility, teach it to our children and show them what true independence is.

Posted by Mamasu at 2:10 PM 0 comments

Sunday, February 22, 2009

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