A New Day Beginning

A New Day Beginning
A New Day Rising

Monday, September 26, 2011

The "Do Nothing Politics"

I can't tell you how tired I am of politics in general. This is the bottom line...the congress has a job. we are paying them. they make more that we do, they get more perks than we do. they will get more SS than we do. where else would an employee make more than an employer? only in the USA and we are putting up with it. I want them all fired, I want the the way they get paid to mirror how a working "person" gets paid. you don't work, you don't get paid. You have a dead line and go on vacation, you don't get paid. you get a fair pension, Social Security, no personal car, no body guards...no perks...you are only allowed to be elected twice. I want new people in the congress. I want what is going on now to stop--I want congress to put their big boy pants on and act like adults that give a damn about us as a people. I want them to stop with the labels...period!! I want them, when they campaign to just tell me what you are "really" going to do. I don't want to hear what you think of an opponent. We don't need another reality show. Now, the present Congress, while you still have your "job", get your head out of your asses and get busy...no more name calling, no more bullying not more B. S. President Obama, you should have just given the American People all of the money you gave the banks etc to "bail them out", we wouldn't be where we are now if you had done that. Other wise, I will indeed vote for you again...however, don't give a speech about being for the American workers and every day people while you wear Armani suits and Michelle walks around with Tiffany's on her neck and wrist...be very careful sir, we love you, but we want to see an every day president not a king. thank you.

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