A New Day Beginning

A New Day Beginning
A New Day Rising

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Church member defends Pastor Worley's Anti-Gay Rant

I wasn't going to say very much about this, but I just can't help it...If anyone saw the Pastor's Sermon you will understand why I have to say something. It is a shame that there are still ignorant people in this country. I thought education had made it to this woman's town, evidently not. Now first of all I have to say, she has every right to speak her mind, but if you are going on National TV, get your head out of our ass. She kept getting angry with Anderson, because she didn't have a clue what to say...she is too funny to even be mad at and too ignorant to take seriously...Now if you are going to put any group of people inside an electric fence, it should be ignorant people and child molesters..I guess it is much more important to this clueless bitch to put people behind these gates that can't help how they are...it is like putting people with autism, or cancer, or some other disease they were born with, behind gates. She says "oh, the pastor didn't mean what he said to coral these people and put them all behind electrified fences"....well, if someone gets up on a friggin pulpit and starts spewing ignorance and hatred and he absolutely says it out loud, I am guessing this son of a bitch means it...She didn't have an answer for any question she was asked, that would take some intelligence.. which she doesn't have. She just wanted to get on TV, but it came back and bit her in the ass, it made her show her true colors and I am sure she is against color too....I know what it was....someone forgot to put her white robe and mask on....yep, it is much easier to talk when no one can see your ignorant ass...
These are the  same kind of people that teach their children hatred and how to bully...these are self righteous bigots that need to NEVER get any attention in the news media at all...it makes them seem important.
 I get people on Face Book that are a great deal like her, they just hate anything that isn't what they think is right...I can almost bet you, this woman won't vote for Obama either. That pastor should be taken out of that church, but it will not happen, because one ignorant person "begets" another,,,,it is in the bible I am sure...
This is the very reason I do not go to church, I do not watch the Evangelists on TV either...but this man was so passionate about what he was saying that he believes every word of it and so do all of his "followers". Satan is sitting out on the "stoop" laughing his ass off...so this is all I can say about this...there should be no more attention given to it...the more we hear about it, the more they think they are "something", they are nothing, but small, pitiful, ignorant  morons that shouldn't  be allowed out of their houses, maybe we could wait till next Sunday and go and put an electric fence around that Church......