A New Day Beginning

A New Day Beginning
A New Day Rising

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It is not Who is right, but What is right---

Sep 3

Daily Motivation by Walk the Talk
Posted by Linda LaSalla

It is not who is right, but what is right, that is of importance.– Thomas H. Huxley

Ok, I have been trying not to open a can of worms, but alas, I must.
I have been showing a lot of short sales. I have to say, If a Realtor doesn’t want to participate in a short sale, then don’t. If you are going to list one, give it the respect and the showing agents the respect you would if you were making twice as much commission.
I try to get in touch with the Realtor, per the listing. They either do not get back to me at all or say that it is ok to show and the owner of the property has no idea.
I don’t think the “listers”, at least in the 30 showings I have had, really want that listing and really hope that the agent that is showing it will take care of things.
So this is where, it doesn’t matter WHO is right, but WHAT is right, comes in.
If you want to sell that property, then put more pics in the listing, yes we know we want to show the worst possible side of the property, however, we don’t even get to see that most of the time.
I am taking my time and my gas, showing these properties, I suggest some co-operation from not only the listing agent, but the home owner as well.
I would like to see more pics, I want to know if there are a thousand offers on the property and the homeowner just wants a bidding war on something that he or she is losing anyway, doesn’t make sense, sorry I won’t show a property with backup offers, again, doesn’t make me right, just the way I do things.
Nothing is fair about this market, but let’s try to level the playing field and help each other and all involved.
Just my two cents.